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福鼎精诚机车部件厂座落于著名的化油器之城,福建省福鼎市。建于2008年,厂区占地面积2000多平方米,产品广泛应用于汽车摩托车配件,化油器,是一家专业生产和销售各种化油器及化油器修理包,针型阀组件,弹簧等。我厂拥有先进的技术,生产,品质管理队伍。已经通过了ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证,我厂致力于“规模化生产,高端导向的产品,精细化管理”的目的。本厂引进了先进的台湾,日本等进口生产设备和精密检测仪器,加强生产过程管理,严格控制工艺,确保了良好的产品率。通过产品质量的不断提高,我们能满足客户的各种需求。 随着概念“茁壮成长为企业技术,东方强大的品牌和质量取胜的诚信”,我们的工厂为每一位客户提供优质的产品和服务,所有的时间。根据客户的要求,我们的工厂设计和制造各种规格的产品。同时,我们竭诚欢迎新老客户前来订购样品进行测试质量和市场。如果您有需求或疑问,欢迎与我们联系英文 Our factory is located in the famous carburetor city, Fuding, Fujian Province. Built in 2008, our factory covers an area of more than 2000 square meters, which is specialized in producing and selling all kinds of carburetors a..

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首页 > 产品 > Walbro repair kit
Walbro repair kit
单价 面议
询价 暂无
发货 福建宁德市付款后3天内
库存 1000普通
品牌 Zhongyang
过期 长期有效
更新 2015-11-03 10:12
Our factory is located in the famous carburetor city, Fuding, Fujian Province. Built in 2008, our factory covers an area of more than 2000 square meters, which is specialized in producing and selling all kinds of carburetors and carburetor repair kits, needle valve assemblies, springs etc. Products are widely applied in automobile motorcycle accessories, carburetors and other matched set of products. Our factory has a superior technology, production, quality management team. Having passed the ISO9001 international quality management system certification, our factory strives to the aim of "scale production, high-end oriented product, refinement of management". Our factory has introduced advanced Taiwan area, Japan and other imported production equipment and precision testing instruments to strengthen production process management, controlling process strictly and ensuring the rate of good products. Through the continuous improvement of product quality, we can meet the diverse needs of customers.? With the concept of "thrive for business technologically, orient to powerful brand and quality to win for integrity", our factory provides every customer with the best quality products and services all the time. According to customers' requirements, our factory designs and manufactures all kinds of products. Meanwhile, we wholeheartedly welcome new and old customers to order samples for testing quality and market.? If you have requirements or questions, welcome to contact us.